Culiță Sterp a fost sărutat de un fan! Daniela Iliescu avea impresia că bărbatul respectiv se dădea la ea, însă alta ar fi fost realitatea, de fapt. Iată cum s-a întâmplat totul! Cei doi au […]
This news article recounts an amusing incident where Culiță Sterp, a popular Romanian singer, was unexpectedly kissed by a fan at a concert in England. Daniela Iliescu, who was also present, initially thought the fan was giving her attention, but it turned out to be directed at Culiță. The article details the incident and Culiță's reaction to it.
The main conceptual idea is the unexpected and slightly embarrassing nature of fan adoration expressed physically.
This news article recounts an amusing incident where Culiță Sterp, a popular Romanian singer, was unexpectedly kissed by a fan at a concert in England. Daniela Iliescu, who was also present, initially thought the fan was giving her attention, but it turned out to be directed at Culiță. The article details the incident and Culiță's reaction to it. The main conceptual idea is the unexpected and slightly embarrassing nature of fan adoration expressed physically.